Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The whole fam damily headed down south for the birthday festivities. We crammed as many activities and food in as possible.

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What better way to celebrate than with YOGURTLAND and My Little Pony cupcakes?! And babies eating those cupcakes. Hello 26!

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Can't beat a lazy Sunday morning at the Buie Manor. Happy Birthday Scott T!

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And more outings and presents....for Adam's Birthday of course. I spy....2 babies, a bear claw, and 2 brothers with the same scary expression on their face.

Phew! I'm birthday-ed out. We walked away from this trip a little bit older and a little bit plumper.

Until next year!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy BIRTHDAY to ME!. and you, ugh, and you.

amy atlas

Off to St. George & Vegas for a triple-threat bday weekend! Sharing a birthday weekend with 2 other family members doesn't bother me as much as I think it bothers Adam. I'll try not to steal his thunder.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Did you know succulents are also known as fat plants?
Today i'm feeling succulent. I have been chugging water every day like there's no tomorrow-and I swear it feels like i'm storing it in my butt for the winter.
shouldn't I be peeing this out??
ay ay ay.
I was researching succulents because I was standing over a jade plant yesterday for 10 minutes debating whether or not I should buy it. I think i'm going to go back and get him. he was pretty cute. just don't tell Adam--we are paying our second mortgage payment this week and the last thing I should be spending money on is fat plants.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

shape up or ship out

Last year just a few months before my wedding my Mom and I took a trip down to San Diego to finalize wedding plans. Our good friend Pia suggested we come see her personal trainer and have a work-out session at the gym. I thought it was a good idea-after all, i've always wanted to see a trainer and Pia's got a rock-hard bod, so I thought what the heck!
This was a bad decision.
I have never worked out like that in my life.
The warehouse was intimidating enough, but Markshane? are you kidding me? Her trainer is a dark chocolate Greek God? And i'm expected to focus. heh.


So the work-out began. He told me multiple times to go outside. to puke.
And if that wasn't enough-he got down in my face while doing push-ups and in true-drill sargeant fashion yelled, "C'mon E! 5 more! Here comes the bride!"

At that point I didn't care if I looked like Jabba the Hut walking down the aisle. I wanted this to be over.
The next day was worse. I literally couldn't sit up in bed.
So when Pia sent me this video today with the note, "We missed you at the workout!", I had to admit, I didn't miss them at all.

Don't let that 89 1/2 year-old woman fool you.
I'm sure she's got buns-o-steel. And can bench a buck and a half.
Oh, and FYI-Pia is the one doing the ring push-ups. She's a machine.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

magic 8 balls and bowling balls.

Last night we went bowling on a whim. The game only lasted about 15 minutes.
geez, that was an expensive 15 minutes.
This boy is so cute I kick myself when I think back to the times I wanted him to stop asking me out on dates. I told his friends to tell him to stop asking me out on dates.
I'm a brat.
One night while dating we were at his parents house and I found a magic 8 ball in their guest bedroom closet. Don't ask me why I was rummaging through their guest bedroom closet; I realize this makes me sound like a paranoiac--going through my boyfriend's parents stuff, but that glowing black ball immediately peaked my interest. I was in the bedroom alone, and without hesitation I asked the magic 8 ball my million dollar question:

"Am I supposed to marry Adam?"

With a quick flip of the ball, I waited for the floating triangle to settle in place--

"Outlook not so good"

Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I have always been pretty superstitious. In highschool, Emily and I would play with tarot cars at night on the back deck and light candles....but that post can wait for another day. ANYWAY, the rest of the evening I thought that magic 8 ball was the answer to my destiny.

Today we have been married 13 months. and my outlook has never been better.
I threw that damn ball away.

Now lets bowl.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No, I didn't die. I just lost all motivation to blog and i'm sorry I neglected my 3 readers. Maureen was especially concerned-"i've been checking your blog daily-are you OK?"
Why do people assume the worst if you haven't posted in 5 days?
Ok maybe it's been longer than that....
Actually-it was food poisining! Yuuuck! barf. barf.
Actually we have been so friggin busy.
Actually I have been running in circles trying to put our house together.
Actually our Refrigerator broke down and it almost put me in tears. shocker.
(why did I capitalize Refrigerator???)
Actually my flickr account expired and i'm too frugal to cough up the 24 buckaroos to renew it.... we now have a mortgage people!
But that didn't stop us from antiquing yesterday with Ice and Soph and buying super-cute old stuff.
AND....I haven't been getting much sleep:
A. Food poisining
B. Excessive Caffeine intake
C. Adam yelling in the middle of the night in his sleep. yelling.

But I am back. And what's a better way to start off than finishing up our UK adventure with pictures of LONDON!
I love London. Holy Canoley. Holy Fish and Chips.
Notting Hill? Are you kidding me? Portabello Road? Really?
Right off the tube we met up with these crazy cats and had a bALL. No, I am not in my second trimester. It was the fried waffle and ice cream I just snarfed. DSC03609
I may or may not have watched "Notting Hill" on our flight to London....

I apologize for the skee-wonky/fuzzy/bleh photos.
Being frugal sucks.
I vill be back.