Thursday, December 30, 2010

last thoughts of 2010

I'm sorry you've been stuck looking at that Christmas picture of Adam and I circa 1972. If only you could see his mustache a little more clearer.
Actually be glad you can't. It's nast.
Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I think it was the longest day of my life. Never ending. But I couldn't have asked for anything more. AND I got the greatest gift of all time. A Lemon tree. a Meyers Lemon tree. Truly a gift that keeps on giving. The best part is that it already has little lemon nuggets growing on it. the other best part is that my brother nurtured it day in and day out before giving it to me. ahhh....that is love.
Lets hope this harsh winter won't be too harsh on my new little lemon friend.

2010 was a good year. We did a lot, ate a lot, and traveled a lot. We went to the other side of the world, bought a home, and celebrated one year of wedded bliss together. We hosted parties and went to concerts. Made new friends and mowed our first lawn. We became an aunt and uncle and cooed over babies. We went to Powell, skied, road-tripped, and roasted marshmallows. we also spent a lot of time with family and ate a lot of desserts.
I am so grateful that I have been given this year. I am so blessed! I always get excited about a new year approaching. Lets hope this one will be as good as lasts.

Here's to a New Year, a new outlook, and Lemons!


Em said...

Wow, you guys had quite the year! Kinda offended I didnt make the cut to any of the parties. haha jk :) But in all seriousness, can 2011 be the year we finally are see each other kind of friends again?!?!